Member-only story
Top 5 Changes to Avert Malaysiakini’s ‘Extinction Level Event’
“Politics has become like a spectator sport;
people are spectating rather than participating..”
- Michael Sandel
Imagine our parents were to ask us what kind of expenses we spend on every month, I would start with the usual suspects, utilities like the electric, water, phone and Internet bills, entertainment like Netflix and Spotify, sometimes the occasional hangout expenses with friends and who knows what other things we spend on. I am certain that our parents would question me about why we are being so wasteful.
But, if my parents found out that I subscribed to Malaysiakini, they would be fine with it. Actually more than fine! They would be proud that their child is keeping up to date with the news and supporting local journalism, especially Malaysiakini. It has brought us through dark times when information was limited before the democratisation of social media, commemorating moments in our country’s history outside of the textbooks and you can always rely on them to tell hard truths no matter how much trouble they will be in. You can never place a price on that, it’s the closest thing to being a national institution.
Sadly, that’s where the good thing ends. Malaysiakini seems to be stuck in the past, back when just publishing an…